Romney Dodd is a fourth generation Alaskan who started making art in 1991 after the birth of her first child, as a way to better nurture her children and her creative desires. Working in paint, ceramics, and mixed media, she has made a range of work, switching the types of canvases she would paint on throughout the extent of her practice. 

​For many years Romney worked with Nordstrom and Dansko bringing hand-painted clogs to Alaska the mainstream market. Her distinct designs were instantly recognizable and her clogs began traveling the world on the feet of women everywhere!

​Romney's functional ceramic work consists of colorful and playful designs that she hand paints on each object. The unmistakable Romney bowl, pitcher, or mug became a staple in Alaskan kitchens. 

​Romney's most recent project is painting on skin mount taxidermy fish and other taxidermy animals- upscale Alaskan art at its finest!

​Working out of her studio in Downtown Anchorage, Romney welcomes visitors and locals to come see the artistic process and pick out a fish or animal to customize as their own.

Taxidermy Reimagined

Make a studio visit with Romney today by contacting the Romney Designs Gallery at (907) 360-5235. (Questions always welcome!)